TCM 中医
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TCM Fundamental and Essential Diagnosis 7, 14, 21, 28 Mar 2025, Friday (Skip 15 Nov)  7.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Singapore Time) (Evening Class)

This will be the final run of the course eligible for SkillsFuture Credit in the current period.

Mindfulness Throught Dynamic Breathe e Date: 3 Sessions 8, 15, 22 March 2025, Saturday 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Singapore Time)

This will be the final run of the course eligible for SkillsFuture Credit in the current period.

Mindfulness Throught Dynamic Breathe e 3 Sessions 25 Mar, 1, 8 Apr 2025, Tuesday, 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Singapore Time)

This will be the final run of the course eligible for SkillsFuture Credit in the current period.

3 Sessions 05, 12, 26 March 2025, Wednesday Time: 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Singapore Time)  

This will be the final run of the course eligible for SkillsFuture Credit in the current period.

Mindfulness Throught Dynamic Breathe e 03, 10, 17 March 2025, 星期一 9.30 am - 12.30 am (新加坡时间)

This will be the final run of the course eligible for SkillsFuture Credit in the current period.

事 事 祥 瑞!身 体 健 康!
Blessed and Healthy, Always!


TCM and You was founded in 2005. The vision is to propagate the knowledge, benefits and wisdom of Traditional Chinese medicine to all. We strive to provide you with the best knowledge, products and services to achieve a Healthier You, Stronger You, Calmer You, Smarter You and a Beautiful You!

创办于2005年,《中医与你》秉着发扬中医的热忱,以系统性的方式整理了一系列的以中医为主导的讯息课程, 产品 及服务,与你一起向《健康的你》,《强壮的你》,《冷静的你》,《聪明的你》及《美丽的你》的目标出发!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical science and philosophy that has been tested and proven through generations. For thousands of years, the Chinese and many other races have been using the knowledge to help cure illnesses and for total well-being. We strongly believe that the holistic approaches of TCM to illnesses diagnostic and resolution hold the key toward a better healthcare system for generations to come.


Years of Clinical Experiences
Years of Training Experiences
Countries of Students

Our Services 我们的服务

Training and Consultancy 培训与顾问咨询

At TCM and YOU, we are driven by the belief that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) knowledge should be accessible to everyone. Our visionary founder firmly believes that the journey to wellness commences with a profound understanding of the progression of illnesses. Our mission extends beyond individual empowerment to corporate wellness, where we actively contribute to fostering a healthy and vibrant working environment through targeted training initiatives. 

Consequently, elevating the professional image of TCM requires strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, including Government Agencies, Industry Associations, and engaging in consultative dialogues with business leaders in the TCM industry. Our founder has been instrumental in shaping this landscape and providing consultancy services in Singapore and beyond. For detailed information about the consultancy details, please reach out to us at

在“中医与您”(TCM and YOU),我们秉持着一种信念,我们具有远见卓识的创始人坚信,通往健康的旅程始于对疾病进展的深刻理解。我们的使命不仅仅是个人赋权,还包括企业健康,我们通过有针对性的培训计划积极促进健康而充满活力的工作环境。

因此,提升中医的专业形象需要与关键利益相关者建立战略合作关系,包括政府机构、行业协会,并与中医行业的商业领袖进行磋商对话。我们的创始人在塑造这一格局并为新加坡及其他地区提供咨询服务方面发挥了关键作用。有关咨询详细信息,请通过 与我们联系。

On-line Learning 在线学习

In TCM and You, besides offering the best traditional wisdom of treatment, we embrace the latest knowledge sharing platform of e-learning. Many of online courses, approved under the Singapore SkillsFuture Credit framework, are tailored for Singaporeans worldwide. Delve into the rich heritage of TCM through convenient online learning from any corner of the globe.

Since 2015, TCM and You have been delivering comprehensive courses on the Udemy platform reaching to learners coming from more than 140 countries. Join us on Udemy to explore the timeless wisdom of TCM, empowering yourself at your own pace and convenience.

在“中医与您”(TCM and YOU),除了提供最佳的传统治疗智慧外,我们还拥抱最新的在线学习平台。许多在新加坡SkillsFuture Credit框架下获得批准的在线课程专为全球新加坡人定制。通过方便的在线学习,从世界任何角落深入挖掘学习中医的丰富养生保健知识与技能。

自2015年以来,“中医与您”(TCM and YOU)一直在Udemy平台上提供全面的课程,覆盖来自140多个国家的学习者。加入我们在Udemy上,探索中医的永恒智慧,以自己的节奏和方便进行自我提升,学习中医的深厚智慧。

Consultation and Treatment 咨询与治疗

At TCM and YOU, we champion the holistic benefits of Chinese Medicine and proudly offer both on-site and teleconsultation services. Our qualified, bilingual TCM Practitioners ensure effective communication for a seamless healthcare experience.

Experience the convenience of professional TCM advice and treatment from the comfort of your space or choose our traditional on-site services. To schedule an appointment or inquire further, please contact us at

在“中医与您”(TCM and YOU),我们倡导中医的整体养生保健益处,并提供居家和远程咨询服务。我们具备资质的双语中医从业者确保有效沟通,为您提供无缝的医疗体验。


On-line Store 网购站

At TCM and You, we advocate for the reliability and convenience of eCommerce. If you are in search of high-quality TCM and Health Supplements, meticulously produced or packaged by GMP-certified manufacturers from Singapore, Korea, or Malaysia, your search ends here. We meticulously source the best products to meet your health needs、

在“中医与您”(TCM and YOU),我们倡导电子商务的可靠性和便利性。如果您正在寻找由新加坡、韩国或马来西亚的GMP认证医药制造商精心生产或包装的高质量中医和保健补充品,您的搜索就此结束。我们精心挑选最优质的产品,满足您的健康需求。

Founder's Profile

Testimonial 推荐