Take care, the weather is getting Hotter (in Singapore)

My friend,

I am Dr Clement Ng, founder of TCM and You.

A Live Online Update will be held on 09/05/2024, Thursday, 7.00 pm (Singapore Time). Please click to register. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscumpqjosEtU-z0gEy5-SvrmYrruG-vIN 

I trust this message finds you well as we navigate through the seasonal changes.

Since my last update in early February when Singapore welcomed the windy and cooling weather in February and March, I’m sure you’ve noticed the shift to warmer days in early April. This change can be attributed to the unique weather phenomenon known as El Nino, this weather pattern, characterized by hotter and drier conditions in Southeast Asia, including Singapore, has brought forward the typical hot and humid climate usually experienced after May.

On May 5, 2024, the Northern Hemisphere will mark the commencement of the Summer season with the seventh solar term, LiXia (立夏). Singapore, just one degree North of the Equator, will enter a uniquely Singaporean summer, characterized by hot and humid weather coupled with thundery showers. Despite claims that Singapore doesn’t experience seasonal changes, the following chart demonstrates that we do have climatic trends, and patients’ symptoms react significantly accordingly.

This year, owing to the El Nino effect, we anticipate intensified heat in the coming months until late July, followed by drier days thereafter. I urge you all to stay hydrated by carrying water whenever you venture outdoors and remember to “drink before you are thirsty” to prevent heat stroke.

Commencement of summer


For those with a Damp-Heatiness body constitution, characterized by symptoms such as eczema, skin rashes, and UTIs, extra care must be taken during the coming months to prevent the triggering of such symptoms. Besides these common skin diseases, under the influence of high temperature, heat and humidity, people tend to be easily agitated, and symptoms such as headaches and Digestive Systems Diseases will also occur more frequently during this period.

Digestive Systems Diseases

During this period, Damp-heatiness is a prevalent pathogenic factor. As the weather gets hotter, it’s common for most people to crave cold drinks and cooling foods, when this coldness entering the body, people often develop poor appetite, diarrheas, and acid reflux. From the TCM diet perspective, it is recommended to consume foods with heat-cleansing and diuretic properties, such as porridge and soup, to quench thirst, promote fluid secretion, relieve heat, and nourish the body. Foods like watermelon, bitter gourd, plum, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans are beneficial for their refreshing effects.

Starting your day with a cup of warm ginger water can alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and insomnia due to the humid weather. Ginger can also be an appetizer that strengthens the Spleen Visceral systems, prevent coldness to the stomach and catching a cold.


High temperatures, humidity, thundery showers, and sudden weather changes often induce or worsen headaches, especially when coupled with lack of sleep and emotional fatigue. During this period, it’s important to avoid excessive reliance on drugs and instead focus on adequate fluid intake, avoiding cold foods, regulating emotions, and ensuring proper rest.

Skin diseases

The hot and humid climate is an ideal breeding ground for fungi and bacteria, increasing the risk of skin diseases, especially for those prone to perspiration. Sweat, if not promptly and thoroughly removed, can create conditions ripe for fungal infections and skin irritations. Therefore, maintaining good personal hygiene, including regular bathing and ensuring the skin stays dry, is essential during this period. Additionally, regularly washing and disinfecting clothes, blankets, and towels can help prevent the spread of infectious agents and promote skin health.

Cardiovascular diseases

As the weather becomes hotter, it’s crucial to prioritize cardiovascular health. In TCM, summer aligns with the Heart Qi, emphasizing the need to protect against heat-related illnesses and cardiovascular issues. With rising temperatures, our hearts face added strain, making it essential to take proactive steps to maintain heart health. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management. Protecting our hearts ensures a healthier summer ahead.

While many of us may be spending more time in door to stay out of the hot weather, it’s crucial to keep spirits high, consider engaging in online courses to stay mentally coordinated and stimulated, and maintain a regular daily schedule.  

In the spirit of health Betterment, I will be sharing acupressure points and medicinal diets to cleanse heat and dampness from the body and nourish the heart system.

Medicated diets:

  • Bitter Gourd Ribs Soup:
    • [Ingredients]
      • Bitter gourd 500 grams,
      • Ribs 400 grams,
      • Onion, ginger, salt to taste.
    • [Efficacy] Cleanse summer heat and dampness improves eyesight and detoxify.

  • Tuckahoe Barley soup:
    • [Ingredients]
      • Tuckahoe 100g,
      • Barley 50g,
      • sugar to taste.
    • [Efficacy] Clearing heat and dampness, detoxifying and diuretics.

  • Three beans and Barley Drink
    • [Ingredients]
      • Green Beans 20g
      • Red Beans 20g
      • Black Beans 20g
      • Barley 20g
      • Rock sugar to taste.
    • [Efficacy] Strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, relieving heat and quenching thirst, reducing swelling and diuretic

  •   Astragalus Qi Invigorating tea
    • [Ingredients]
      • Astragalus 10g,
      • Wolfberry 5g,
      • 5 Red dates,
      • Honeysuckle 10 g and
      • 3 slices of fresh Ginger生姜.
      • 1 liter of water
    • [Efficacy] Suitable for people with deficiency of qi, prone to colds, to improve immunity

Acupressure Massage Technique:

  • Ji Quan Acupoint
    • Located at the apex of the axilla, the acupuncture point of the iliac artery is an important acupuncture point of the Heart meridian. Massaging this point can help to cleanse the heatiness from the heart.
    • Method: Press massaging about 3 minutes, at least once a day.

  • Qu Chi Acupoint
    • Located on the side of the elbow in the depression, belonging to the large intestine. This is the acupoint where the dampness of the large intestine meridians gathers. Massaging it for about 3 minutes, with a feeling of soreness, can help clear away heat and dampness.
    • Method: Press massaging about 3 minutes, at least once a day.

  • Wei Zhong acupoint
    • At the back of the knee, on the midway of popliteal crease, belongs to the bladder meridian. Bladder meridian is the largest detoxification and dampness channel of the human body and Wei Zhong acupoint is the “sewage” outlet on this channel.
    • Method: Tap massaging about 3 minutes, at least once a day.

  • Nei Guan Acupoint
    • Located on the inner aspect of the forearm, 2 cun above wrist line in between the two tendons. The acupoints belongs to the pericardium meridian. Massaging this point can help maintain the heart and relieve heartache, palpitations and chest tightness.
    • Method: Push massaging about 3 minutes, at least once a day.

Please feel free to share this article with your friends, as we aim to welcome more individuals on our journey towards better health.

Thank you for being part of my health care program. I eagerly anticipate sharing more knowledge and techniques with you.

Dr. Clement Ng

Updated in 05/05/2024


For friends coming from Southern Hemisphere, please see my article on Keeping Warm in Cooler weather. https://tcmandyou.com/home/keepwarm/

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