
October 14, 2015

TCM and You was established in 2005 with a mission to disseminate the profound knowledge, invaluable benefits, and timeless wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to a global audience.

Rooted in a medical science and philosophy that has withstood the test of time, TCM has been honed and proven over countless generations. Across millennia, diverse cultures, including the Chinese, have harnessed this knowledge for both healing and overall well-being. We are steadfast in our belief that TCM’s holistic approaches to illness diagnosis and resolution represent a pivotal pathway toward a more robust healthcare system for future generations.

At TCM and You, we are dedicated to furnishing you with not only the wisdom of TCM but also a range of products and services tailored to foster a Healthier You, a Stronger You, a Calmer You, a Smarter You, and a Beautiful You. Join us on a journey towards optimal well-being and discover the transformative power of Traditional Chinese Medicine.



中医与您》秉着发扬中医的热忱,以系统性的方式整理了一系列的以中医为主导的讯息课程, 产品 及服务,与您一起向《健康的您》,《强壮的您》,《冷静的您》,《聪明的您》及《美丽的您》的目标出发!